I'm Sam
I am a qualified Reiki Master/Teacher and I live in North Yorkshire. I am a loving wife & mother to two beautiful girls and two gorgeous rescue dogs.
I have a degree in counselling & therapeutic studies and worked in the voluntary/not for profit sector for over 10 years supporting predominantly victims of sexual abuse, serious sexual crimes, domestic violence & violent crime.
Although this was rewarding work, it was also something that drained my energy and led to me becoming burnt out. Luckily (although it didn’t seem lucky at the time) I was made redundant and this was the point that Reiki returned to my life and changed it in the most amazing ways.
I don’t just practice reiki for my work. I LIVE REIKI.
Reiki brings about incredible awakenings and helped me to discover my true light, so that I could be a beacon of light for others in their phases of darkness.
I have recently become the owner of a beautiful piece of ancient woodland and this allows me to invite in others to connect deeply with nature, whilst working with me in a healing way.
I work intuitively and have a deep connection to working with the earth and her elements, using the trees, herbs, crystals and nature's magick as an intrinsic part of my practice.
I am a keen forager and love to create wild natural remedies.
If you have any questions or would like to chat about any of my services, please contact me and I will respond to you as soon as I can.

Light worker.
Space holder.
Earth lover.
Usui Reiki Level 1, 2, & Master/Teacher & Tibetan Reiki Master (Reiki Plus)
Certified Crystal Reader & Certified Moonologer
Certified Reiki Science Practitioner
Certified Jikiden Reiki Level One (Shoden)
BSc Honours Degree – Counselling & Therapeutic Studies